5 Pieces of Advice for Healthcare Leaders from Dan Neufelder

Today we continue to feature segments from the exclusive interview with Dan Neufelder. As with every leader we have had the opportunity to interview and feature, Neufelder offers some excellent advice for other leaders who strive to reach their potential and achieve greater success. Take the time today to learn from this seasoned healthcare executive!

In today’s featured segment, Neufelder shares 5 specific pieces of advice for healthcare leaders, and as with most advice, it transcends the healthcare industry and is highly applicable to anyone in a leadership position. His advice includes:

  • Be the conductor, not the first violin.
  • Be the “Chief Mission Officer” of your organization – constantly communicate, connect and engage.
  • Remember who your real customers are.
  • Think long term, but act today.
  • Create an “improvement engine” for your organization.

Neufelder briefly references the four basic human needs, “To live, to love, to learn, and to leave a legacy.” He goes on to describe learning as a lifetime endeavor. Take this advice to heart and never stop learning from those around you!

Click above to watch the full video segment.


2016, Dan Neufelder, Neufelder Consulting Group, Video

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