Bob Simpson“Well, culture takes care of the problems.”

This was Bob Simpson’s response during an in-depth interview when questioned about why his organization’s highest priorities are culture-based, not problem-based. As president and CEO of LeeSar and Cooperative Services of Florida, Simpson sees firsthand every day how important company culture is to the ongoing success of the organization. There is no doubt in his mind that the individual team members who make up the supply chain management organization are the reason for its success.

“I am totally blessed with more than 300 of the nicest working people in the city of Fort Myers who work for me. And I tell them that every single day. When I am in this building I walk it, I shake hands, I thank people. I know the job they’re doing. Those shelves don’t stay full by accident. Those orders are not going out on time by accident. The negotiations with the manufacturers whom I meet with on a regular basis don’t go well by accident. I’ve got some very talented, caring people doing that.”

The three culture-based priorities that Simpson shared are:

  • Being totally committed to what we do
  • Being always ready to reach out and share
  • Being totally supportive of our staff

Simpson went on to describe the greatest strength of the supply chain management organization as their ability to develop strong working relationships with manufacturers and hospitals that ultimately lead to agreements that benefit everyone involved. As Simpson explains, networking is key:

“Network, network, network. You’ve got to get out there. This organization cannot be run from behind a desk. You’ve got to be out with the manufacturers, out with the end users, out with the customers.”

This focus on networking and on creating and sustaining positive working relationships is anchored in the core values of the organization:

  • Maintaining total honesty within the company
  • Treating everyone as professionals and expecting the same back
  • Trusting and being trusted by all who they work with
  • Having a positive impact on the community
  • Upholding a strong professional reputation with suppliers and clients

Excellent values and great advice for any healthcare organization!


Article, Bob Simpson, CEO, CEO Interview, Cooperative Services of Florida, LeeSar, Networking, Organizational Culture

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