Geoff Brenner on the habits to which He most Attributes His Success

In today’s featured interview segment TPC president & CEO Geoff Brenner discusses the habits that have lead to his success.

One of the most important habits he has developed over the last 10-15 years is to ensure an early start to get ahead of the day.

“I found that, for me, I spend a ton of time praying, reading, and thinking, and if I do that early in the day, it gives me the chassis to stand on and build on for the rest of the day where things make sense in the right context.”

Geoff Brenner goes on to discuss how he feels if he does not get this time:

“Otherwise, you feel like you’re just a feather floating on the ocean and you’re not really in control of where you’re going.”

Habits have the ability to determine the level of your success.  The day to day activities should reflect the end goal you are hoping to achieve.  To watch this segment of the interview, click above.


Geoff Brenner, TPC, Video

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