Al Cornish: 3 Things He’d like to Change in Healthcare

Today we conclude the interview with Al Cornish, Chief Learning Officer at Norton Healthcare in Louisville, KY. As with most industries, change is inevitable, and in today’s video Al Cornish discusses the three changes he’d like to see in healthcare. 

It has been obvious throughout this interview that Cornish has great passion for his job, and in this segment he shows that passion as he discusses the things he would like to change. If he had a magic wand and could change three things in healthcare, they would be:

  1. “Eliminate the term ‘Obamacare.’ I think it’s a highly inflammatory and polarizing nameā€”it takes away from the healthcare debate and our need to discuss what high quality healthcare in this country really needs to look like.”
  2. “See a broader understanding of healthcare and how it works. We are like every other industry. If we have an educated consumer, they are able to navigate and utilize the services we have best.”
  3. “Achieve consistency across the country in terms of cost, treatment, medicine, etc. It would simplify healthcare as we know it today!”

While we never know what changes may come, perhaps we may see some of these changes occur in the future!

To view this final segment from the interview, click above.


2016, Al Cornish, Norton Healthcare, Video

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