Al Cornish: Advice for Leaders

This week we are pleased to continue featuring segments from an interview with Al Cornish, Chief Learning Officer at Norton Healthcare in Louisville, KY. Cornish has more than thirty years experience in administration, training, human resources, and operations management, and offers some key advice for leaders in today’s segments.

Calling on his extensive history in the industry, Cornish gives 2 pieces of advice for aspiring healthcare leaders:

  1. Become a student of the industry. “Healthcare is a complex industry,” he notes. The more you know, the more equipped you will be to be able to provide for the individual needs of the organization in which you serve.
  2. “Embrace Change” – Healthcare is always changing. Don’t fight it, and remain flexible.

In the second segment, Cornish gives three book recommendations for fellow healthcare leaders—or anyone pursuing greater success:

  1. Renegotiating Health Care by Leonard Marcus
  2. Good to Great by Jim Collins
  3. The Leadership Handbook by John Maxwell

Cornish briefly describes the benefits of each book, and he and Dan Nielsen both expand on the excellent material John Maxwell provides in all his books to those pursuing greater success. If interested in these resources, follow the links above.

To view the full interview segments, click above.


2016, Al Cornish, Chief Learning Officer, Norton Healthcare, Video

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