Bruce Brandes: Advice for Leaders

In today’s featured segments, Bruces Brandes, founder and CEO of Lucro, offers some advice to healthcare leaders. The purpose of America’s Healthcare Leaders is to help others achieve greater success, and we encourage you to utilize these resources.

In the first segment, Brandes discusses three pieces of advice for healthcare leaders, offering individual, clinical, and business perspectives.

  1. Actively embrace change.
  2. Embrace the concept of the consumer.
  3. Align incentives for value-based care.

Each of these has application in many industries – not just healthcare!

In the second segment, Brandes discusses the best advice he’s ever received, and how it was a little hard to hear at first. He reflects that this advice has served him well throughout his career:

“Whenever you have the impulse to blurt out a verbal barrage of facts and interrupt a customer who is talking, bite your tongue behind your lips as a reminder to be quiet and listen.”

To hear the full story on what prompted a senior leader to give Brandes this advice, click above!


2016, Bruce Brandes, Highlight, Lucro, Video

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