Bruce Brandes on Mentoring and Giving Back

Mentoring is one of the reasons America’s Healthcare Leaders was created. We envisioned a platform where others could learn from the strategies, results, and lessons learned of current leaders. In today’s segment Bruce Brandes, founder and CEO of Lucro, discusses mentoring and giving back.

Mentoring is very important to Brandes; in the first segment he discusses the importance and influence of mentors:

“I have been very fortunate to work with people senior to me who were very kind to take me under their wing and give me insights that really have helped me in my career, and by the same token, I have had the opportunity to do the same for others. And I would tell you, from my perspective, I’ve learned equally from both [experiences].”

He continues on to discuss how good mentors are honest with you, very encouraging and sincere, and make themselves available. Brandes also gives valuable insight into what you should do when being mentored, which can be viewed in the first video below.

In the second segment, Brandes talks about his unique opportunity working with the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business. What started as on guest lecture grew into an opportunity to mentor students. He describes teaching and giving back as one of the most rewarding experiences of his life.

To watch these segments, click above.


2016, Bruce Brandes, Lucro, Video

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