Carlos Arce: 4 Desired Changes Within Healthcare

Carlos Arce, former CLO at Billings Clinic, now serves as Company Leader, Customer Experience at Elation, Inc. In today’s segment, Arce discusses the changes he would like to see happen within healthcare. His background as Chief Learning Officer has given him a unique perspective on areas of potential change and growth.

Arce begins by remarking, “Sometimes we make things a little more difficult for ourselves than they need to be.” Arce notes that within the walls of healthcare, there are unlimited resources available.

He focuses on four specific changes he would like to see within healthcare:

  1. Collaborate and leverage the talent within the industry.
  2. Focus more on wellness and preventative care.
  3. Create greater transparency for healthcare consumers.
  4. Make the industry more attractive and engaging as an employment opportunity.

To learn more, watch the full interview segment by clicking above.


2016, Billings Clinic, Carlos Arce, Elation, Video

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