Chris Van Gorder on 3 major themes of front-line leadership

In today’s video segment, Chris Van Gorder talks about the 3 major themes of what he calls front-line leadership—the focus of his book, The Front-Line Leader: Building a High-Performance Organization from the Ground Up.


Chris Van Gorder, president and CEO of Scripps health discusses the following three themes featured in his book.

  • Get out of the office – “I’ve got to find a way to connect to that if I am going to make good leadership decisions down the road.”
  • Take care of your people – Be mindful of your people and provide support when needed.
  • Hold people accountable – “I believe in fierce accountability.”

AHL founder and CEO Dan Nielsen ends by encouraging viewers to get the book and study it! Use the resources that have been provided to become a better leader.

To view the complete segment, click above.


2016, Book Recommendation, Chris Van Gorder X, Scripps Health, Video

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