Dan Neufelder on How He Can Uniquely Assist and Inform Organizations, Boards and Communities

Dan Nielsen, Founder and CEO of America’s Healthcare Leaders, asks Dan Neufelder, Founder and CEO of Neufelder Consulting Group, how he can specifically help organizations better understand the challenges ahead.

Neufelder has a unique position because he himself has been a health system CEO and understands what needs to be done and the challenges ahead.

Neufelder’s presentation would be an excellent spring board to a strategic planning initiative as well as helping external board members (who are not in healthcare) understand what we are facing.

We have significant challenges ahead, but we can meet those challenges and provide excellent healthcare in the future, but WE MUST DO IT NOW!

To watch this 3 and 1/2 minute video, please click above.


America's Healthcare Leaders, Challenges ahead, Dan Neufelder, deficit, medicare spending, Neufelder Consulting Group, strategic planning

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