Eric Barber on Staying Inspired

What inspires you, and how do you recharge to start a new day? In today’s segments, Eric Barber, president and CEO of Mary Lanning Healthcare in Hastings, Nebraska, talks about staying inspired.

In the first segment AHL founder and CEO Dan Nielsen asks, “How do you ‘fill the well?’ How do you maintain your inspiration?” Barber responds,

“Personally, it’s all about my wife and my children and spending time with them… Professionally speaking, it’s almost automatic.”

He goes on to describe different interactions he has with the gentleman in his organization in the role of patient liaison, and how the stories he hears from him inspire him to do the best job he can every day.

In the second segment, Barber discusses the value of walking the halls:

“The one thing that really gets me going is taking the time to stop, take a deep breath, and make rounds through the organization. It refills my well and provides validation that we are doing things the right way.”

To hear more insights and advice from Barber, watch the full segments by clicking above.


2016, Eric Barber, Mary Lanning, Video

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