Featured Leader: Dan Neufelder


This week we are pleased to begin featuring segments from a recent interview with Dan Neufelder, founder & CEO of the Neufelder Consulting Group. Neufelder has worked in the healthcare industry for nearly four decades, including 27 years as either CEO or COO of high performing integrated healthcare systems. His most recent position before launching his consulting practice was President & CEO of Ministry Health Care, Wisconsin’s largest Catholic healthcare system.

In the first segment, Neufelder discusses his experience and the different systems he has been a part of, as well as the roles he has played in each, commenting:

“I’ve been really blessed. I’ve worked for some good people and some great places!”

Dan Nielsen, founder and CEO of America’s Healthcare Leaders, comments on the extensive experience and the many interesting and challenging positions Neufelder has had. Neufelder responds: “I feel like when it comes to working with other executives, I have a lot of experience.”

In the second segment, Nielsen asks Neufelder what major events led him to where he is today. Neufelder credits many things, including his parents, his family, and his faith.

Click above to watch the full videos.


2016, Dan Neufelder, Featured Leader, Neufelder Consulting Group, Video

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