Featured Leader: Eric Barber, President & CEO at Mary Lanning Healthcare

Eric Barber Portrait

This week we are pleased to begin featuring segments from an AHL-exclusive interview with Eric Barber, President & CEO at Mary Lanning Healthcare in Hastings, Nebraska. Barber has been recognized nationally for his leadership and has been with Mary Lanning since 2013.  

In the first segment featured today, you will get a brief introduction to Eric Barber, who has served 15 years in healthcare overall, first starting as a certified nurse’s assistant. Barber also discusses Mary Lanning Healthcare and the area they currently serve.

In the second video, Barber discusses the needs of Mary Lanning Healthcare at the time of his appointment and the successful change that has happened in the last 2 and 1/2 years.

To watch these segments, please click above.


2016, Eric Barber, Featured Leader, Mary Lanning Healthcare, Video

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