Featured Leader: Mark Dixon

This week we will begin featuring segments from an interview with Mark Dixon, president of The Mark Dixon Group, LLC. Dixon has gained incredible wisdom and insights into the healthcare industry during his long and very successful career, which has spanned three decades and included leading three large health systems.

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In today’s interview segment, Dixon looks back on his career, noting, “I had the privilege of leading three large health systems over a 25 to 30-year career, and I never regretted a day. I enjoyed what I did every single day.” He then goes on to talk about how about five years ago he transitioned out of the provider role and started a small consulting practice, which has since grown to become a busy but very fulfilling role.

“What I like about it is that I’m trying—this sounds kind of corny, but—I’m trying to actually change the world. I’m trying to touch different parts of the industry because I’ve learned that one health system can’t change this alone. Several health systems can’t change this alone. And that is to help make healthcare affordable; to help make healthcare a higher quality and better experience product, if you will.”

As you watch this interview and listen to Dixon talk, you cannot miss his passion! He is truly passionate about healthcare and hopeful for what the future has in store. To watch this excellent segment from the full interview, click above.

For more information, Mark Dixon can be reached via email here.


2016, Featured Leader, Mark Dixon, Mark Dixon Group, Video

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