Featured Leader: Mark Solazzo, EVP & COO, Northwell Health

America’s Healthcare Leaders would like to start off the new year by introducing our next featured leader: Mark J. Solazzo, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of New York’s Northwell Health. In this first segment from the interview, Solazzo describes Northwell and his responsibility to make sure it continues to run smoothly as an integrated system.

Northwell Health is the largest private workforce in New York State, and according to their website, Northwell Health’s expansive system includes: 21 hospitals, 3 long-term care facilities, a 3,000-physician medical group, ambulatory services consisting of over 450 practices, an internationally recognized medical research institute, new ventures enterprise, and various additional healthcare related businesses.

Stay tuned for upcoming interview segments with this highly successful healthcare leader!

To watch this full introductory segment, click above.


2016, Featured Leader, Mark Solazzo, Northwell Health, Video

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