This is a brief introduction to one of America’s top healthcare leaders, Michael D. Williams. The in-depth interview with Williams will be featured via video segments over the next few weeks.

Community Hospital Corporation (CHC) – Plano, Texas
President & CEO
Leadership Experience & Background
Mike Williams was chosen as the founding executive of CHC back in 1997, and has since built it up from one employee and zero revenues into a thriving organization recognized as a national leader in advancing community-owned hospitals. Prior to leading the charge at CHC, Williams served as president of the Baptist Hospital in Knoxville, TN, EVP and COO of The Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, TX, and vice president for Baylor University Medical Center, also in Dallas. To read Williams’ full bio, click here.
Williams has a genuine passion for the mission and impact of community-based hospitals, and loves his role in serving and supporting those hospitals. His passion and contributions to the industry were recognized last year when he was awarded the Earl M. Collier Award for Distinguished Healthcare Administration by the Texas Hospital Association.
3 Questions About His Work
1. What is one of the most important aspects of what CHC does?
“The mission of this company is to ensure the preservation of community hospitals. That mission is so important for access to healthcare, because in many cases, these smaller institutions are serving the indigent and the elderly. So if these community hospitals aren’t preserved, the indigent and elderly—who don’t have the means of going into the bigger city—are going to be without adequate access to healthcare.”
2. Can you share a little about your team at CHC?
“Let me just tell you, this organization is good, not because of me, but because of the team that we have put together. There’s none like it… there’s just none like it. They are humble, respectful, and competent.”
3. To what do you attribute the success of CHC?
“We always try to do the right thing, and we try to do it with sensitivity, caring, and kindness. If you do that, you can’t help but be successful if you’re serving a mission and serving people who are going to be affected by that mission.”
3 Questions Just for Fun
1. What was your first paid job?
“I was a short-order cook at a lunch spot in the mall in Mobile, Alabama. I cleaned grease traps and fried french fries and did anything I was asked to do.”
2. What’s a unique fact people might not know about you?
“I spent three years in the University of Alabama School of Medicine pursuing a medical degree before realizing my true passion was healthcare administration.”
3. What is something you do for fun?
“Spend time with my grandchildren. My wife says the only thing that is not overrated in life is grandchildren. That is such a true statement! The joy that our six grandchildren bring us is amazing.”
Video segments from the interview with Mike Williams will be published incrementally, starting November 4th.