Geoff Brenner on His Hobbies and Bucket List

Like most senior healthcare executives, Geoff Brenner, president and CEO of TPC has a busy work schedule that demands much of his time. Nonetheless, he is committed to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and in today’s featured segments discusses the hobbies he has and the bucket list he is committed to fulfilling.

He begins by discussing the importance his family plays in his life and emphasizes the importance of quantity as much as quality:

“We try to have a lot of quantity, and you never know where the quality’s going to bubble up.”

He continues on to discuss a successful completion of one item on his bucket list. He had the opportunity to spend 24 hours on a nuclear-powered U.S. aircraft carrier in the Pacific ocean:

“For 24 hours, I got to do everything from talk geopolitics with the admiral and the captain and the XO, all the way down to going into the different operating departments of the ship and seeing how some of America’s best men and women, who are incredibly young, are handling responsibilities that are almost unfathomable.”

To watch this segment from the interview, click above.


Geoff Brenner, TPC, Video

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