Geoff Brenner on the Type of People Who Inspire Him

In today’s featured segment, Geoff Brenner, president and CEO of TPC, describes the trait he finds most inspirational in people.  While brilliant, motivated, intelligent, and exceptional people all have great qualities, there is one specific quality he looks for in addition to these.

When asked what truly inspires him, Geoff Brenner answered “selflessness”.

“I think selflessness is just an amazingly inspirational thing, and it’s rare.”

Selflessness is a rare trait in society. Geoff continues on to discuss the traits that are usually more prominent:

“More often what you see is people who are selfish, internally motivated, driven to get what they want now. ‘I’m entitled to …’ fill in the blank.”

To watch this featured segment, click above.


2016, Geoff Brenner, TPC, Video

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