Handling a Job Transition

Job transitions are inevitably stressful events for anyone—especially when unanticipated. During a recent in-depth interview, AHL founder and CEO Dan Nielsen asked executive recruiter and career transition coach John Self to comment on how healthcare leaders should go about preparing for and handling job transitions.

“It really begins before you even have a concern about [losing your job],” Self says. He goes on to urge people to be proactive in preparing for an unexpected job transition, offering and expanding on 6 pieces of practical advice:

  1. Keep your résumé up to date
  2. Don’t store your networking contact info on your work computer
  3. Never use your work computer to search for other jobs
  4. Start building your personal career brand
  5. Use LinkedIn and take an active role in defining who you are
  6. Proactively build your network

In the second interview segment featured today, Self describes the difference between “passive” job candidates and those who are in transition and actively seeking a new position—pointing out that a content or “passive” employee is not necessarily a better or worse candidate than one who is actively seeking new employment.

To watch these video segments, click above!


Career Advancement, CEO Interview, Healthcare Career, John Self, JohnGSelf Partners, Video

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