Mark Solazzo on the Traits of Successful Leaders

No matter who you are, you are influenced by those around you, and intentionally choosing who your mentors are will help you as you develop as a leader. In today’s featured segments, Mark Solazzo, EVP & COO at Northwell Health, gets the opportunity to discuss working under Nothwell’s CEO Michael Dowling, and also to talk about a few traits he believes are essential for leaders.

It is amazing how influential a leader can be to those around him or her. After almost 34 years of working with Michael Dowling, Solazzo remarks, “He’s a great guy to work for first of all. A mentor, a confidant, a friend.” When asked about Dowling’s top strengths, Solazzo points to Dowling’s passion, core values, and his remarkable visionary nature.

In the second segment, Solazzo discusses 4 essential traits of a superb senior executive:

  1. Integrity – It is absolutely necessary to have integrity when leading. It isn’t something you can fake.
  2. Passion – Passion for what you are doing and where you are going inspires those around you to want to help you get there.
  3. People Skills – We often underestimate the soft skills necessary to be a successful leader, but being able to work with people effectively is essential.
  4. Flexibility/Adaptability – In the ever-changing world of healthcare, you have to be flexible and adaptable and be able to effectively lead your team in times of transition.

Dowling and Solazzo are both highly successful leaders who demonstrate critical strengths. If you desire greater success in your life and career, strive to be this type of leader, and actively pursue these types of leaders as mentors! To hear more, watch the full segments by clicking above.



2016, Mark Solazzo, Northwell Health, Video

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