Mary Ellen Doyle on Her Team Accomplishments and Priorities

In today’s featured interview segments Mary Ellen Doyle, Corporate VP for Nursing Operations at Scripps Health, talks about her team of nursing leaders and some of their most significant accomplishments and priorities.

When asked what she is most proud of about her team and their accomplishments, Doyle responded,

“Number one… the fact that we’ve been proactive with the changes that are going on in healthcare. We as a team declared that we were not going to sit on the sidelines, that we were going to be proactive and get to work.”

She went on to say, “I am more optimistic about where we are today than where we’ve ever been.”

In the second interview segment featured today Doyle described some of her team’s current high-priority strategies, including:

  • Designing a consistent care-delivery model
  • Managing for continuous daily improvement

To watch one or both of these video segments, click above.


Mary Ellen Doyle, Scripps Health, Video

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