Mike Williams on Work-Life Balance & Defining Success at Home

In today’s interview segment, Mike Williams, president & CEO of Community Hospital Corporation, thoughtfully reflects on how his definition of success at home has changed over the years. He explains that as a young healthcare leader he was driven toward external success in the industry, but that drive has shifted over the years.

“The definition that I have for success at home at age 62 is very different than the definition I had when I was first married at age 30.”

Williams goes on to note that the younger generation in the workforce today seems to be looking for more balance in terms of home-life and work-life; they are less motivated by what they can provide for their families, and more motivated by time spent with their families.

“I’ve learned over the years that one of the most valuable things we can do for our family is to spend personal, focused, and dedicated time with them.”

Williams also talks about how his marriage of 33+ years and the character of his grown children reflect on his personal legacy and definition of success at home.

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Balance, CEO, Community Hospital Corporation, Mike Williams, Success, Video, Work-Life Balance

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