Maynard OliveriusThroughout his impressive 43-year career at Stormont-Vail HealthCare, Maynard Oliverius demonstrated passion and commitment to the challenging field of healthcare leadership. At my request, Oliverius shared some key factors that he attributes to his successful leadership and tenure:

“Maintain integrity and trust, maintain a strong partnership with the board, maintain high visibility and involvement with the medical staff and community, be a good listener, and deliver on commitments”

 Notice that all five points mentioned by Oliverius are directly related to building and maintaining excellent relationships. Relationships are the key to any leader’s success. Lack of excellent relationships, or relationships gone bad, are the top reasons for poor leadership and leadership failure. In my opinion, Oliverius could not have chosen five more important attributes, characteristics, or intentional habits that together form a solid foundation for leadership excellence and a roadmap for success for any leader in any industry!

Any leader who learns from and follows the example of Maynard Oliverius can’t help but become highly successful and enjoy long-term personal, professional and organizational success! I encourage you to perform a personal and professional—potentially life-changing—self-examination with full honesty and transparency:

  • Do you maintain integrity and trust in all your relationships?
  • Do you maintain a strong partnership with the board and all with whom you work?
  • Do you maintain high visibility and involvement with the medical staff, community, and other key constituents?
  • Are you a good listener?
  • Do you deliver on commitments?

Maynard Oliverius is one of America’s most successful healthcare leaders. How can you improve in each of these critical areas mentioned by Oliverius? For those people and those leaders who invest the time and energy to consistently improve in the critical areas listed above… the sky is truly the limit!


Article, CEO, CEO Interview, Maynard Oliverius, Stormont-Vail Healthcare

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