Tips for Learning and Networking from Mark Dixon

This week we are pleased to continue featuring segments from the AHL exclusive interview with Mark Dixon, president of The Mark Dixon Group, LLC. Up-and-comers have a marvelous benefit with almost unlimited access to scores of valuable insight and tips from the nations top healthcare leaders. Use these benefits to grow and develop into your fullest potential.

In the first segment, Dixon discusses learning from outsiders. Dixon states, “get out and go learn from the best.”

There are many tasks and issues that transcend healthcare like customer satisfaction. Find an organization that does it well and go learn from them. Don’t limit yourself by only studying what people are doing in your organization and your field.

In the second featured segment, Mark Dixon and Dan Nielsen briefly discuss networking. While Dixon admits he might not be the best at networking, he has taken the time to study the science of networking and why it is necessary for people to do.

Nielsen reminds viewers to not wait too long to start networking. Build your network while you are fully engaged in the workplace.

To view these segments, click the videos above.


2016, Mark Dixon, Mark Dixon Group, Video

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