Tony Bohn on Norton Healthcare’s 3 Cs

In today’s featured segments Tony Bohn discusses Norton Healthcare’s 3 Cs: Collaborate, Communicate, and Connect. This organizational strategy is highly applicable to all healthcare organizations.

Bohn discusses the different strategies for Norton Healthcare and what they hope to achieve by using these 3 Cs:

“Looking at those [3 Cs], how do we lead in that way so we are working smarter not harder? A lot of what goes on in healthcare is working between work groups and teams, being externally as well as internally focused. Collaborating across the community and connecting the dots so our employees understand why the work they do is important and how it provides growth opportunities for them and positions our organization for the future.”

In the second segment, Bohn talks about how wonderful it has been that Norton Healthcare has been recognized nationally. He explains you don’t get into it for the recognition, but simply do your best because it’s the right thing to do.

Interested to hear more? Click the videos above.


Norton Healthcare, Tony Bohn, Video

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