Executive Recruiter John Self on the Advantages of Working with a Recruiter

This week we are pleased to feature segments from our interview with John G. Self, who has been in the executive search business for more than 20 years. Mr. Self is the founder and president of JohnGSelf + Partners, Inc., an executive search firm providing executive-level and leadership acquisition solutions exclusively to the healthcare industry.

To learn more about Mr. Self, his executive search experience, and his distinguished background in healthcare, view his full bio by clicking here.

In today’s video segment, AHL founder and CEO Dan Nielsen starts off the interview by asking Mr. Self why healthcare leaders wishing to advance their careers should consider working with a recruiter. Self responds,

“It’s a noisy market. There are a lot of people out there saying ‘Pay attention to me! I’m really good, hire me, hire me!’ When you hire a recruiter it’s about the relationship. Building that relationship over time with recruiters is really in your best interest… Recruiters can help you get that really premium job.”

To watch this video segment, click aboveā€”and stay tuned for much more from executive recruiter John G. Self!


Executive Recruiter, Healthcare Career, John Self, JohnGSelf Partners, Video

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