Healthcare Leaders on Passion for Your Job

While passion for what you do isn’t necessary, it does make it easier. In today’s video segments two leaders give advice on how passion for what you do makes everything so much easier. Passion can help drive you and make your workload seem easier because you truly love what you do.

In the first segment, Geoff Brenner, president of TPC, encourages people to find what they love:

“Rather than asking what the industry needs, try to triage and find out what makes your heart come alive. What the industry needs is people who are passionate about what they do. Not people who somehow ‘reverse engineered’ into a role because it would meet a salary expectation or a lifestyle hope.”

In the second segment, Dan Nielsen poses this question to Al Cornish, CLO of Norton Healthcare: “What’s the best job you’ve ever had?” Cornish enthusiastically responds:

“I love what I do every single day! I don’t even feel like I work because I enjoy my job so much.”

Passion helps motivate and drive people, so while it isn’t necessary, it will make your life so much easier when you have a genuine love for what you do. This doesn’t mean it will always be easy but it will be worth it.

To view the full segments from these two interviews, click above.


2016, Al Cornish X, Geoff Brenner X, Norton Healthcare, TPC, Video

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