John Self – from Investigative Reporter to Executive Recruiter

In today’s video segment, executive search consultant John Self talks briefly about his background in reporting and how that has proven useful as a recruiter.

When AHL founder and CEO Dan Nielsen noted that Self’s experience as an investigative reporter probably comes in handy, Self responded,

“Well I think it helps me in terms of crafting questions for candidates. I think it also helps me in having a conversation more than an interview, so I can try to get to who the heck this person really is.”

Self went on to note,

“Being a reporter, digging, being sensitive to inconsistencies—yes, that has been an enormous benefit to me… there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not very very grateful for that background.”

To watch this brief segment from the interview, click above.


CEO Interview, Executive Recruiter, John Self, JohnGSelf Partners, Video

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