John Self: Perspectives on Quality Care

In the final two segments from the interview with John Self, we look at the critical importance of improving quality and safety in patient care, and how every healthcare leader—no matter their position—should be concerned with improvements in those areas.

Self begins by pointing out what he calls a very serious problem in quality care and safety, explaining,

“The numbers are just not very good. And we’ve spent hundreds of millions of dollars in our industry trying to do better, and that’s important that we’ve made that effort. But it will not happen in the hospital unless the leader makes it a personal responsibility.”

He goes on to talk about those numbers and how all healthcare leaders should be concerned with improving quality care and safety. “It’s important that we do something, and that is we check our egos at the door, and we remember what this is all about.”

In the last segment Self continues to address the subject of quality care and how it must be taken seriously and personally by healthcare leaders. He tells a story about an executive search he once conducted where one of the candidates he interviewed simply didn’t think a concern for improving quality care had anything to do with running a hospital. Needless to say, that candidate didn’t make the cut. Self notes, “We now screen candidates for what their level of passion is for improving quality, because that’s all of our responsibility.”

To conclude the interview, AHL founder and CEO Dan Nielsen invites viewers to visit Self’s website,, and to utilize the many resources available there, including contacting Self with any questions you might have.

To watch these final two segments from the interview with John Self, click above.


John Self, JohnGSelf Partners, Video

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