Nate Kaufman On How He Addresses the Complex Issues in Healthcare as a Strategic Advisor

Dan Nielsen, Founder and CEO of America’s Healthcare Leaders, asks Nate Kaufman, Managing Director of Kaufman Strategic Advisors, how he addresses the diverse and complex issues in healthcare, asking about his staff size and partnering with others.

In Kaufman’s office he smiles when he says there are “3”… himself, his assistant, and his dog Whisky. Kaufman is obsessed with research and with that he provides strategic transactional advice to those he works with. He also has strong relationships with all of the large consulting firms and will reach out periodically to experts when he feels he needs to.

To hear Kaufman’s comments related to this please click above to watch this 2-minute video.


America's Healthcare Leaders, complexity, experts, Kaufman Strategic Advisors, Nate Kaufman, research, Video

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