Tony Bohn on His Impact at Norton Healthcare

In today’s featured segment Tony Bohn, Chief Human Resources Officer, reflects on his time spent at Norton Healthcare.

Dan Nielsen, AHL founder and CEO, begins by asking, “How has your vision and leadership made a significant difference or changed your life for the better?”

Bohn takes a moment to reflect on when he chose to initially make the leap from his previous organization to Norton Healthcare. He discusses a few of the things he wanted to be a part of with Norton Healthcare, including: investing more wisely in employees, better retention rates, a more engaged workforce, more productive-type people, and better financial outcomes.

Bohn’s focus has been on engaging and involving the different members of his team.

“It’s about the credit and credibility for our team and organization.”

Words from a true leader. To view the full segment, click above.


Norton Healthcare, Tony Bohn, Video

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