Featured Leader: Carlos Arce


This week’s featured leader is Carlos Arce. Carlos Arce, former CLO at Billings Clinic, now serves as Company Leader, Customer Experience at Elation, Inc. Arce left Billings Clinic in June 2015.

In the first segment Arce discusses the focus of Elation. Through Elation he has the opportunity to use his experience as a former CLO to continue optimizing the talents of employees and get the best out of employers. His two main goals: great business outcomes and an extraordinary workplace.

In the second segment, we learn a little more about who Arce is as he discusses one of his passions—soccer—and the many different opportunities he has had from player to coach.

To watch these segments from the interview, click above.


2016, Billings Clinic, Carlos Arce, Elation, Featured Leader, Video

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