Mark Dixon on Taking Care of Your Team

Today we continue featuring segments from the interview with Mark Dixon. The healthcare industry as a whole is facing some of the biggest challenges they have ever seen, especially concerning finances. Organizations across the nation are trying to do more with less, but taking good care of your team isn’t something that can be neglected.

In the first segment, Dixon comments on the tendency to be overwhelmed by “doom and gloom” feelings in the face of all the challenges. While it may be easy to get lost in the negative and the details, it is necessary to celebrate and acknowledge the small accomplishments and the people working to make those happen.

“You have to look at the people that you are working with—and there are some amazing things happening out there that people are working on—and take the time to celebrate them… Recognize great work that was done inside your health system, individuals that stepped up.”

By doing this, you contribute to a positive environment where employees feel valued and the organization becomes more successful in the long run.

In the second segment featured today, Dixon discusses creating a high performance team and brings up two specific points:

  • Build a diverse team and surround yourself with stars.
  • Spend 20% of your time supporting each other.

To view these segments click above, and if you would like to learn more from Mark Dixon, he can be reached via email here.


2016, Highlight, Mark Dixon, Mark Dixon Group, Video

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