In this month’s  resource recommendation video, AHL founder and CEO Dan Nielsen describes and recommends an excellent episode from the Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast. This episode features a fascinating conversation with a highly successful leader we all can learn from—regardless of industry, organization, or position.

A few highlights from the podcast:

  1. How to effectively communicate your vision throughout your organization
  2. Why your vision needs to be simple, portable, and repeatable
  3. How to achieve your most important and highest-impact priorities
  4. Why celebration is a major factor in your organization’s success
  5. Why “quality” times “acceptance” equals “effectiveness” (QxA=E)
  6. The importance of “aggressive listening”

Don’t miss this great podcast episode!
Vision: A Conversation with Frank Blake – Part 1

*Note: Home Depot currently employs approximately 350,000 associates (Dan misspoke and said 35,000 in the video)


Dan Nielsen, Leadership Resource, Podcast, Resource, Video

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